Online and Distance Degrees > Degree Programs > BS, Major in Management

Bachelor of Science (BS) with a Major in


Program Overview

By earning your Bachelor of Science with a major in Management online from The University of Alabama, you’ll develop the necessary analytical and personal skills to maximize the efficiency and profitability of any business. Customize your learning path with concentrations in Entrepreneurship or Human Resources. At the end of the program, you will have a practical understanding of business communications, family business management, negotiation, employee relations and many more valuable topics.

  • Program Format

  • Credit Hours

  • Tuition Per Hour


Become an Effective Leader in Business

Through our online program, students will learn to maximize company productivity by providing a dynamic work environment for employees and efficiently organizing company assets. Students develop their skills and talents through coursework and a collection of courses within specific concentrations. These concentrations provide students with the in-depth knowledge and experience necessary to lead effectively in a culturally diverse and evolving market.

Many graduates secure careers in corporate development, small business, human resource management and corporate communication. Others choose to continue their education by attending some of the best graduate programs in the nation.

  • Application DeadlineApplications accepted year round
  • RankingRanked 8th nationwide for best online bachelor's in business programs by US News and World Report (2024)
  • AccreditationAssociation to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
  • Are test scores required?ACT and SAT scores are not required through the Fall 2025 entry term


The BS with a major in Management program requires 120 credit hours. Students will major in Management and choose one of two concentrations, Entrepreneurship or Human Resources. Students can begin lower division coursework any semester; upper division coursework can be started in the fall or spring terms.

Please note that courses are subject to change.

  • MGT 320 Leadership and Ethics
  • Select one of the following concentrations:
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Human Resource Management

  • MGT 386 Foundations of Entrepreneurship
  • MGT 387 Building Blocks of ENT I
  • MGT 388 Building Blocks of ENT II
  • MGT 482 New Venture Development
  • Two electives chosen from MGT 300–MGT 499

  • MGT 301 Introduction to HR Management
  • MGT 431 Employee Recruitment/Selection
  • MGT 432 Employee Relations
  • MGT 433 Compensation and Performance Management
  • MGT 434 Training and Development
  • MGT 437 Strategic HR Management

In addition to completing lower-division requirements, students must complete the following general education and core curriculum requirements prior to enrolling into upper-division course. Transfer students considering admission should review UA’s transfer information and polices.

  • 6 hours of Freshman Composition (satisfied by EN 101 and EN 102)
  • 6–8 hours of Computer or Foreign Language (6 hours of Computer Science are satisfied by ST 260 and OM 300)
  • 12 hours of Literature, Humanities and Fine Arts
    • Each student must complete a 6-hour sequence in either History or Literature. 
  • 12 hours of History, Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 hours are satisfied by EC 110 and EC 111)
    • Each student must complete a 6-hour sequence in either History or Literature. 
  • 11 hours of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (MATH 121 or higher is required for Culverhouse College of Business)

  • AC 210 Introduction to Accounting
  • EC 110 Principles of Microeconomics
  • EC 111 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • GBA 146 Professional Development Series I: Exploring Your Path
  • GBA 246 Professional Development Series II: Choosing Your Path
  • LGS 200 Legal Environment of Business
  • MATH 121 Calculus and Applications
  • MIS 200 Fundamentals of Management Information Systems
  • ST 260 Statistical Data Analysis

Upper-division courses include all 300 and 400 level courses in Culverhouse College of Business that are not defined as lower-division or function field courses. These can include major program courses, concentration courses, minor courses and the required Culverhouse College of Business capstone course. Junior or senior standing is required to take upper division courses (61 hours or more).

  • FI 302 Business Finance
  • GBA 300 Business Communications
  • GBA 346 Professional Development Series III: Pursuing Your Path
  • MGT 300 Organizational Theory and Behavior
  • MKT 300 Marketing
  • OM 300 Introduction to Operations Management

  • GBA 490 Strategic Management*
  • International Focus: See advisor for a list of approved courses

*This course has a synchronous, online component.

Students may contact the Culverhouse Online Services Office with questions related to academic plans and advising by email

Many students who choose the online BS with a major in Management degree program also choose a minor. A list of available online minors can be found on the UA Online website.


To apply for formal admission to any of the undergraduate degree programs offered through UA Online, you must complete an admissions application and submit transcripts from all colleges previously attended.

Transfer students considering admission should review UA’s transfer information and policies. Transfer applicants must meet one of the following admission requirements:

  • If you have earned more than 24 college-level credit hours at the time of your application to the University, you will need to meet the transfer student admission requirement of a minimum 2.0 overall college GPA.
  • If you have earned less than 24 college-level credit hours at the time of your application to the University, you will need to meet both the 2.0 overall college GPA required for transfer students, as well as Admission Requirements for Freshmen Students. If high school graduation was more than four years ago, ACT/SAT scores are not required.

The priority dates for application are April 15 for summer enrollment, July 15 for fall enrollment or November 15 for spring enrollment to ensure you receive advising and transfer credit evaluation, if necessary, prior to enrolling in required courses. Please note that students applying directly to upper division may only begin in fall or spring terms. Students are admitted to lower division year-round.


Contact Us

Program Information

Kayden Black
Admissions Representative

Admissions Information

UA Online
