A goal 20 years in the making, Tara Campbell has her sights set on a degree from UA.
After a lifetime of caring for her family and community, Tara Campbell is setting aside time for herself. But this wife and mother of two isn’t relaxing. Instead, she’s working full time while pursuing a bachelor’s degree and ultimately a career enriching the lives of others.
Campbell works as an office administrator in The University of Alabama’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs, where she helps the university foster a diverse student body and workforce of all races, genders and backgrounds. She also serves as second advisor for UA-NAACP and chairman of the DEI Committee for the Office, Clerical and Technical Staff Assembly on campus.
Outside the office, she enjoys mentoring. Though too humble to admit it, Campbell has helped countless young women find their callings through her involvement with the Junior Cosmos Study Club, a high school organization empowering Black women through team building, leadership and scholarship.
Campbell has a calling of her own and has been working toward a degree for more than 20 years. In 1990, she enrolled at The University of Montevallo but soon returned home to Tuscaloosa for personal reasons. Later, she attended Shelton State Community College and took classes at the University of West Alabama before she and her husband focused attention on their growing family.
“I’ve always been there for my children and family while putting myself on the back burner,” said Campbell. “I’m nurturing. I care for other people, and I’ve always helped others get to where they need to be, whether that be family, friends or coworkers.” She’s very proud of her children, Maya and Myles, who graduated among the top of their high school classes, were UA Early College program ambassadors and received multiple scholarship awards. Maya recently earned a bachelor’s degree from The University of Alabama and is pursuing a dual master’s in business and sport hospitality. Myles is an undergraduate majoring in business management. Their success inspires Campbell to dig deeper, work harder and reach higher.
Now enrolled in the New College LifeTrack program through The University of Alabama Online, Campbell will soon earn her bachelor’s degree in Leadership Studies with a focus in human resources. New College LifeTrack empowers adults like Campbell with busy lives to re-enter school, offering the flexibility to take classes anywhere at a pace that fits their schedule and earn college credit for experience that may be applied to a degree.
After graduating, Campbell’s goal is to pursue a master’s degree and a career in human resources. “I have a soft heart, and I’ve been told by my children that I’m very protective. I’ve always been the go-to HR person at work, so I’m interested in pursuing that further,” she said.
When asked why she chose The University of Alabama, Campbell smiled. “Tuscaloosa is home, and The University of Alabama really is where legends are made. Earning a degree from UA is important and sharing that experience with my family will be a wonderful feeling.”
Looking back, Campbell has no regrets, but she does have advice. “Don’t wait,” she said. “It’s OK to question yourself. But don’t allow those questions, or even the answers to those questions, to keep you from moving forward. Get started and keep going.”
Published: April 22nd, 2022