Minor in
Real Estate


Program Overview

This 15-credit-hour minor will prepare you with the fundamentals you need to succeed in real estate.

  • Program Format

  • Credit Hours

  • Tuition Per Hour


Fix Yourself Up for Success in Real Estate

After completing FI 331 Principles of Real Estate and an additional real estate elective, students are eligible to take the Alabama Real Estate Salesperson License Exam,* and fulfillment of the minor qualifies graduates for the Institute of Real Estate Management’s Certified Property Manager (CPM) fast-track program. The minor also offers students access to numerous resources provided through the Culverhouse College of Business’s Alabama Center for Real Estate (ACRE) and the Collegiate Career Assistance Program (CCAP).

Contact us or speak with your adviser to learn how this online minor can help you reach your career goals.

*Qualifications for real estate licensure differ by state and reciprocity is not guaranteed.


The online minor in Real Estate requires 15 credit hours of courses in various academic departments within the Culverhouse College of Business. Students complete two foundational courses and a series of elective courses.

If a student intends to take the Alabama Real Estate Salesperson License Exam* upon the completion of FI 331 Principles of Real Estate and an additional real estate elective, they will need to contact program coordinator Dr. Alan Tidwell, oatidwell@ua.edu, to sign up for the exam and must do so immediately upon completing their last real estate (FI) course.

Please note that courses are subject to change.

Required Courses (6 hours)

  • FI 331 Principles of Real Estate
  • FI 436 Real Estate Finance Investment

*Qualifications for real estate licensure differ by state and reciprocity is not guaranteed.

View more information about this program through the undergraduate catalog.

Elective Courses (9 hours)

Choose three of the following.

  • FI 434 Real Estate Management
  • FI 389 Financial Analysis and Modeling
  • MGT 423 Effective Negotiations or MGT 386 Foundations of Entrepreneurship
  • MKT 337 Personal Selling


Before selecting a minor, you must be admitted to a major program (bachelor’s degree). You can pursue the minor of your choice along with your major coursework after gaining approval from your advisor.

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Program Information

Trevor McGhee
Admissions Representative

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