Online and Distance Degrees > Degree Programs > Minor in General Business

Minor in
General Business


Program Overview

Gain a broad understanding of the business world with a minor in General Business. Designed for students in majors outside the Culverhouse College of Business, this minor gives students the opportunity to tailor the elective courses to their specific business-related interests.

  • Program Format

  • Credit Hours

  • Tuition Per Hour


Build Business Acumen

Required courses in accounting, microeconomics and statical data analysis give students a broad business foundation. Customize your remaining coursework to fit your interests with three electives.


The online minor in General Business requires 19 credit hours of courses in various academic departments within the Culverhouse College of Business.

Please note that courses are subject to change.

Required Courses

  • AC 210 Introduction to Accounting
  • EC 110 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ST 260 Statistical Data Analysis

Elective Courses (choose three)

  • FI 302 Business Finance
  • LGS 200 Legal Environment of Business
  • MGT 300 Organizational Theory and Behavior
  • MIS 200 Fundamentals of Management Information Systems
  • MKT 300 Marketing
  • OM 300 Introduction to Operations Management
  • IBA 350 Introduction to World Business


Before selecting a minor, you must be admitted to a major program (bachelor’s degree). You can pursue the minor of your choice along with your major coursework with approval from your advisor.

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Trevor McGhee
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