Online and Distance Degrees > Degree Programs > Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Doctor of
Nursing Practice (DNP)


Program Overview

The DNP is a practice-focused degree designed to prepare graduates at the highest level in specialty practice or to assume leadership positions in health care.

  • Program Format

  • Credit Hours

  • Tuition Per Hour


Become a Leader With Your Doctorate in Nursing

Graduates of the DNP program focus on providing care to populations and communities with an emphasis on improving quality and access to underserved and diverse populations. Graduates employ abilities and skills in these areas to advocate for reasonable, rational and data driven health regulations, standards, and practices; sustain collaborative and strategic relationships; promote innovative, effective health care programs; and form partnerships with diverse groups to address health disparities.

The DNP curriculum includes the development of a practice or leadership focused project. All courses are offered in a distance accessible format and students develop the scholarly project under the direction of a team, including program faculty, the student, the clinical advisor, the faculty advisor and alumni mentors.

Note: This program requires a clinical component. It is the student’s responsibility to identify a site and an appropriate clinical advisor.

If you hold a BSN and are interested in the DNP, please contact Vickie Samuel, Graduate Recruitment and Retention Liaison, at or (205) 348-8163.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program at The University of Alabama is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. The Doctor of Nursing Practice consortium program at the Joint DNP Program University of Alabama (consortium of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, and The University of Alabama) is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

  • Application DeadlineApril 1 for fall admission, September 1 for spring admission, and January 1 for summer admission
  • Required For EntranceRN licensure; MSN in advanced practice area certification or certification eligibility as advanced practice nurse
  • PracticumYes
  • Other Program SpecificsMust attend one spring DNP Intensive and graduation
  • Scholarships and Grants AvailableDiscover a range of scholarships and grants to support your educational journey


The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) post-master’s program requires 35 credit hours. Students can complete the program in two years and may start in the Fall, Spring or Summer semester. Please note that courses are subject to change.

Sample Full-Time Program of Study

Year 1

First Semester (7 Credit Hours)

  • NUR 706 Introduction to Writing (1-credit hour)*
  • NUR 727 Foundations of Implementation Science and Evidence Based Practice
  • NUR 728 Evidence-Based Practice Methods and Evaluation

Second Semester (9 Credit Hours)

  • NUR 700 Clinical Data Management and Analysis
  • NUR 701 Writing for Publication
  • NUR 737 Interdisciplinary Leadership and Role Development for Practice Excellence

Third Semester (7 Credit Hours)

  • NUR 735 Population Health in Advanced Practice Nursing
  • NUR 795 DNP Seminar (1-credit hour)**
  • NUR 796 DNP Immersion 1 – 180 Clinical Hours**

Year 2

Fourth Semester (9 Credit Hours)

  • NUR 733 Informatics for Advanced Practice Nursing
  • NUR 740 Health Policy and Politics: Implications in Health Care
  • NUR 797 DNP Immersion 2 – 180 Clinical Hours**

Fifth Semester (3 Credit Hours)

  • NUR 798 DNP Immersion 3 – 180 Clinical Hours**

Total Credit Hours = 35

*May test out through the writing competency (i.e., CLEP) assessment.

**Only eligible in the last 3 semesters of course work. NUR 796, 797 and 798 must be in sequence. NUR 795 may be taken with 796 or 797.

Sample Part-Time Program of Study

Year 1

First Semester (7 Credit Hours)

  • NUR 706 Introduction to Writing (1-credit hour)*
  • NUR 727 Foundations of Implementation Science and Evidence Based Practice
  • NUR 728 Evidence-Based Practice Methods and Evaluation

Second Semester (6 Credit Hours)

  • NUR 701 Writing for Publication
  • NUR 740 Health Policy and Politics: Implications in Health Care

Third Semester (6 Credit Hours)

  • NUR 700 Clinical Data Management and Analysis
  • NUR 735 Population Health in Advanced Practice Nursing

Year 2

Fourth Semester (6 Credit Hours)

  • NUR 733 Informatics for Advanced Practice Nursing
  • NUR 796 DNP Immersion 1 (180 Clinical Hours)**

Fifth Semester (4 Credit Hours)

  • NUR 795 DNP Seminar**
  • NUR 797 DNP Immersion 2 – 180 Clinical Hours**

Sixth Semester (6 Credit Hours)

  • NUR 737 Interdisciplinary Leadership and Role Development for Practice Excellence
  • NUR 798 DNP Immersion 3 – 180 Clinical Hours**

Total Credit Hours = 35

*May test out through the writing competency (i.e., CLEP) assessment.

**Only eligible in the last 3 semesters of course work. NUR 796, 797 and 798 must be in sequence. NUR 795 may be taken with 796 or 797.

View more information about this program through the University’s catalog.


Applications are accepted each semester for enrollment in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program. You must submit all documents and complete your application by April 1 for fall admission, September 1 for spring admission or January 1 for summer admission. If you reside or intend to seek professional licensure outside of the state of Alabama, please review the requirements for that state prior to applying to this program.

Admission Requirements for the Post-Baccalaureate DNP:

Admission requirements are consistent with those of the University of Alabama Graduate School. Applicants for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) will be considered on a competitive basis. Prospective students must meet each of the following requirements for admission:

  1. Reside and hold a current unencumbered RN licensure in a state approved for admission. View the states here from which the College of Nursing accepts applications for admission.
  2. Baccalaureate degree in nursing from an accredited school of nursing.
  3. For regular admission, a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 overall (based on a 4.0 grading scale) or 3.0 for the last 60 semester hours of undergraduate work are required.
  4. Final admission is contingent upon drug and background screen results that are deemed acceptable by appropriate University officials.

Admission Requirements for the Post-Master’s DNP:

Admission requirements are consistent with those of the University of Alabama Graduate School. Applicants for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) will be considered on a competitive basis. Prospective students must meet each of the following requirements for admission:

  1. Reside and hold a current unencumbered RN licensure in a state approved for admission. View the states here from which the College of Nursing accepts applications for admission.
  2. Master’s degree in nursing from a CCNE or NLN accredited school of nursing or a Master’s degree in another relevant field. Those with Master’s in a field other than Nursing may be required to complete additional courses.
  3. A 3.0 grade point average, based on a 4.0 system in a completed graduate degree.
  4. Final admission is contingent upon drug and background screen results that are deemed acceptable by appropriate University officials.

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Application Process:

  • Begin your graduate application at the UA Graduate School.
    • For “Program Type” select Distance (Online/Blended/Gadsden)
    • Select the appropriate track (post-baccalaureate or post-masters DNP)
    • For “Campus” select Distance Learning 
  • Request official transcripts following the Graduate School’s transcript instructions.
  • Upload these supporting documents:
    • Statement of Purpose following the Statement of Purpose Guidelines.
    • Resume or curriculum vitae.
    • Contact information for two references – The references should be professionals who can provide insight regarding your potential for success in the graduate program.  The Graduate School will contact these references via e-mail.
    • Copy of active RN license from every state in which you are licensed. A screenshot of your online verification is sufficient. Note: Licensure must be maintained throughout the program.
    • Post-Masters DNP only:Verification of Post-Baccalaureate Clinical Hours or proof of APRN certification.
  • Interview – Applicants will receive instructions on this step (if they meet the minimum GPA requirement) once the application is complete with the above requirements.
  • DNP (BSN to DNP and Post-Master’s DNP) – Accepted students have the option to take the College Composition CLEP test. If you pass with a score of 55 or greater, the CLEP will allow you to waive the course “Introduction to Writing” as part of your plan of study. If you don’t take the CLEP or you do not pass with a score of 55 or greater, “Introduction to Writing” must be part of your study plan. Please forward your test score to Test information is here: Information on registering for the test is here:

Contact Us

Program Information

Sarah Hemphill
Admissions Representative

Admissions Information

UA Online
