Dani SagirsDani Sagirs is currently pursuing her master’s in Instructional Technology through The University of Alabama Online, while also working full time as a student success coach with UA Online’s Student Success department.

Dani Sagirs holding a camera

Dani started as a success coach in 2022, providing comprehensive support to UA Online students, but her own education was also always in mind. After a few years of helping students navigate their academic journeys, Dani began her own, starting her master’s program in Fall 2023.

Even having coached online students, Dani had the normal fears about how well she’d be able to communicate with her instructors and classmates online. But she’s been pleasantly surprised, particularly with the guidance of the College of Education’s Dr. Laura McNeill, whom she describes as a “fabulous instructor” who provides quick feedback and grading.

One of Dani’s favorite classes so far is “Using Artificial Intelligence and Instructional Technology,” which she took over the summer. “It explores exciting and emerging developments in the field,” she said

Dani has taken advantage of the benefits offered by UA Online, including the Build on Bama tuition grant, which provides a free 3-credit hour course during the first semester for University of Alabama graduates or someone referred by a graduate.

Outside of her studies, Dani spends time with her friends and family, a 15-year-old dog and two four-year-old cats. Through her work as a student success coach, she’s come to appreciate the importance of a support system while earning a degree. “Without the encouragement of my family and colleagues, I probably never would have done it,” said Dani.Cats on couch

Dani Sagirs hiking in snowNow, Dani is applying what she is learning in the courses to her role as a success coach and developing a workshop on learning styles. “In our Instructional Technology courses, we focus on understanding how people learn best, different types of learning styles and how to adapt resources to accommodate those learning styles,” she said.

In looking ahead, Dani is interested in pursuing a doctoral degree once she graduates with her master’s. “UA Online is consistently expanding its programs, particularly through the College of Education,” she said. She also highlighted the sense of community at UA Online. “By reaching out to a success coach” — like Dani — “students can always find support and guidance.”

Published: September 20th, 2024