Kathryn MorrowKathryn Morrow has navigated her academic and professional journey at The University of Alabama with determination and a deep-seated commitment to helping others. Kathryn’s story is one of resilience, community support and a relentless pursuit of her goals.

Kathryn’s completed her undergraduate degree at UA in Human Development and Family Studies; her senior year was particularly challenging due to personal and family struggles. Despite these hardships, the unwavering support from the UA staff and various departments enabled her to graduate on time in May 2019. Kathryn shared, “The way the staff at UA in different departments really came through for me and helped me finish — I don’t know how I would have gotten through without them.” This experience profoundly impacted her, igniting a desire to give back to the community that had supported her.

Kathryn with parents

In 2021, Kathryn returned to the University, working full-time as an admissions representative for UA Online. In this role, she helped prospective students attending UA for the first time or considering their next degree online. Kathryn found her role incredibly rewarding, meeting students at recruitment events, hearing their stories and ultimately guiding them through the application process and cheering them on. But she soon realized she needed further education to excel in her career and decided to pursue a master’s degree in Higher Education Administration through UA Online.

“I wanted to wait until I was in a spot where I just knew I could give it my full attention,” said. The flexibility of the 100% online program was a perfect fit for her schedule, allowing her to balance her professional responsibilities and personal life. “The flexibility of the online program was key,” she added. “Even when I first started as an admissions representative, being in in-person classes just wasn’t conducive for my schedule.”

Kathryn with familyAs a UA graduate, Kathryn was eligible for UA Online’s Build on Bama tuition grant, which covered the cost of one 3-credit-hour course during her first semester of enrollment in her UA Online program. Her favorite course she took, Kathryn said, was Student Development Theory. “It combined my love for human development and students,” informing her future plans.

Kathryn graduated with a 4.0 GPA and became one of the first in her family to earn a master’s degree. Not only did she have her family supporting her, but she shared how the supportive College of Education faculty played a crucial role in her success. “If I ever had an issue, they were always there,” she said. Dr. Beck, who taught Kathryn’s seminar course, was especially influential. “She gave the best feedback, was super encouraging and very flexible. The encouragement she provided was great.”

Kathryn with Nathan

Before graduating with her master’s in May 2024, Kathryn moved from the admissions representative position with UA Online to a UA regional admissions advisor, allowing her to recruit students from across the country and share her story as a two-time Alabama grad.

Post-graduation, Kathryn aspires to grow in her field to roles such as assistant director or director of recruitment. “My goal is to move up within higher education and become a leader. This program has really equipped me with the skills to make good decisions and help my team grow both professionally and personally.”

Kathryn with her brotherOutside of her professional achievements, Kathryn values her time with her family in Tuscaloosa. She lives with her boyfriend, Nathan McDonald, who is pursuing his graduate degree through UA Online, and their cat, Bella, all while enjoying the proximity of her parents and the recent return of her brother to the Birmingham area. Family has always been a cornerstone of Kathryn’s journey, with her mother being a significant source of support and motivation throughout her academic pursuits. “My mom really pushed me through the master’s program because she always wanted a little bit more for me than she did for herself. She has been my biggest supporter through this whole process.”

Kathryn’s advice to those considering UA Online is simple: “Do it.” She acknowledges her initial apprehension but emphasizes the personal and professional growth that comes from pursuing further education. “I think it’s scary sometimes to go through the application process or even just taking that initial jump of opening the application. But it’s been so worth it,” she said. “You can enhance your professional skills and grow your education, becoming a more well-rounded person.” Her journey, marked by perseverance and a commitment to helping others, serves as an inspiration to all who face challenges on their path to success.

Published: August 1st, 2024