Explore Scholarship and Tuition Grant Opportunities
At The University of Alabama Online, we believe in supporting your educational journey with financial assistance. Whether you’re a current or prospective student, we offer several scholarships and tuition grants to reduce the cost of your education.
UA Online Scholarships
UA Online offers a variety of scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in online degree programs or New College LifeTrack.
College of Education Scholarships
College of Education scholarships are available to both online and main campus learners, providing financial support to students pursuing education degrees.
UA Alumni Scholarship Program
The Alumni Scholarship Program supports over 3,000 students each year with $5 million in scholarships. It recognizes academic and leadership achievements for high school seniors, transfer students, undergraduates, graduate students and distance learners.
Tuition Grants
Your First Class Can Be Free!
To help you get started, we offer tuition grants that cover the tuition cost of your first class.
Back to Bama Tuition Grant
If you started your bachelor’s degree at The University of Alabama but didn’t finish, we invite you to return through our Back to Bama initiative.
Roll Tide Reconnect Tuition Grant
The Roll Tide Reconnect Tuition Grant is designed for UA alumni returning to earn a UA Online degree.
Roll Tide Referral Tuition Grant
The Roll Tide Referral Tuition Grant rewards prospective students who are referred by a UA Online student or alum. Alumni and current students receive UA Online swag in appreciation of your referral.
Tide Together Tuition Grant
The Tide Together Tuition Grant supports faculty and staff members from Alabama or partner community colleges who are enrolling in a UA Online degree program.
Tide Transfer Tuition Grant
The Tide Transfer Tuition Grant covers your first 3-credit course when you transfer to UA Online. Available to all community college grads to save on their first semester.