Minor in
Personal Finance
Program Overview
Available online, the minor in Personal Finance will provide you with an educational foundation for counseling others in financial planning as well as managing your own finances.
Program Format
Online -
Credit Hours
16 -
Tuition Per Hour
Invest in Your Financial Knowledge
The course concepts will enhance your understanding of individual and family resource management to prepare you for a career or continuing education in financial planning.
The 16-credit-hour minor includes courses that may fulfill major curriculum requirements, easing your path to graduation.
The online minor in Personal Finance requires 16 credit hours of CSM courses.
Required Courses
- CSM 201 Individual Family Resource Management
- CSM 204 Introduction to Personal Financial Planning
- CSM 300 Time Value of Money
Choose three additional courses
- CSM 333 Financial Capability
- CSM 400 Personal Insurance Planning and Management
- CSM 435 Psychology of Money
- CSM 454 Personal Income Tax Management Planning
- CSM 459 Techniques of Counseling in Consumer Science
Before selecting a minor, you must be admitted to a major program (bachelor’s degree). You can pursue the minor of your choice along with your major coursework after gaining approval from your adviser.
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Trevor McGhee
Admissions Representative
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